mercoledì 27 marzo 2013

Budini di Parmigiano con Mandorle e Miele - Parmigiano Pudding with Almonds and Honey

No way, this recipe has to be proved!
Starting first that is coming from a special food blogger Lucia Arlandini, for me a real food artist.
Second the recipe has salty and sweet ingredients, impossible to imagine how the teast will be.
Third it looks fabulous
Fourth is Italian with 100% Italian ingredients
Fifth, when you use parmigiano you help also the Italian economy and the people that lost everything due to the earthquake in emilia-romagna.
So please... eat loads of PARMIGIANO REGGIANO E GRANA PADANO !

So CLICK HERE for the Italian recipe and the BLOG of Lucia or...

Read further!

Photo from -ti cucino cosi- Blog

  • 300 GR. Grated Parmigiano  
  • 250 ml fresh Cream
  • 2OO ml Mascarpone
  • 8 GR Cooking Gelatin
  • 40 GR Peeled Roasted almonds
  • Chestnut Honey
  • Pepper


Put the grated Parmesan in a mixing bowl with mascarpone and cream.
Mix with a whisk 
to make the mixture homogeneous.
Transfer the cream into a bowl and cook a bain-marie for 7/8 minutes.
Remove it from the water and allow to cool down.
Add the softened and squeezed gelatin and add it in to the cheese cream bowl.
Stir until it is completely dissolved.
Pour the mixture into individual moulds and allow them to cool and harden in the fridge.
Remove the pudding from the fridge garnish  them with a drizzle of honey, fillets roasted almonds and a generous dose of pepper.

2 commenti:

  1. ciao carissima, scusa se ti rispondo solo ora.....per me va bene se vuoi mettere una mia ricetta, l'importante è che tu metta il mio link.
    Ho capito solo ora che scrivi dall'Olanda o sbaglio???
    baci sabina

  2. Certo che metto il tuo link !
    Ci mancherebbe! e' un onore per me ospitare le tue ricette!
    A presto e BUONA PASQUA !
    P.S.= si vivo in Olanda.. e come mi manca la cucina italiana!


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