mercoledì 6 febbraio 2013

How to Make Pizza - Recipe from Gino Sorbillo Neapolitan Pizza Master

Here after the way Gino Sorbillo presented the preparation of the Pizza dough on the TV program "La prova del cuoco".


1/2 kg flour 0 ( rougher the the normal 00 for baking cakes)
5 gr dry yeast
10 gr criscito ( dried sourdough)
300 ml water
15 gr fior di sale (salt)
15 ml sunflowers oil


Photo from
Add the salt to the water and mix it.
In a bowl add the flour, the yeats #criscito, and the water.
Start to mix than add the sunflowers oil.
Mix till the dough is not attached anymore to the bowl.
Than put it on the working table and keep on mix it till it's smooth.

Let it rise 12-24 hours in or outside the fridge.

Take the dough out of the fridge and let it get again at room temperature.
Mix it again, gently but smoothly foldering it.
Devide the dough in 2 or 3 small balls.

Let it rise again for 3-6 hours.

The dough is ready to be worked in round shaped and seasoned.

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